Tele 5
Spartacus: Blood and Sand
Serie, Actionserie • 30.12.2024 • 23:35 - 00:35
A Thracian warrior, enlisted by the Romans to fight a mutual enemy, has his destiny seized by an unforseen act of rebellious violence, tearing him away from his beloved wife and homeland.  Locked up and transported to the Roman city of Capua, he faces certain death unless he can survive the punishment of being forced to fight in the gladiatorial arena
A Thracian warrior, enlisted by the Romans to fight a mutual enemy, has his destiny seized by an unforseen act of rebellious violence, tearing him away from his beloved wife and homeland.  Locked up and transported to the Roman city of Capua, he faces certain death unless he can survive the punishment of being forced to fight in the gladiatorial arena
A Thracian warrior, enlisted by the Romans to fight a mutual enemy, has his destiny seized by an unforseen act of rebellious violence, tearing him away from his beloved wife and homeland.  Locked up and transported to the Roman city of Capua, he faces certain death unless he can survive the punishment of being forced to fight in the gladiatorial arena
Ilithyia (Viva Bianca, r.), Tochter des Senators Albinius, will, dass ihr Ehemann Claudius Glaber (Craig Parker, l.) Karriere macht und möglichst schnell heimkehrt. Deshalb begeht er einen folgenschweren Wortbruch ...
Serie, Actionserie
73 v. Chr. gerät der thrakische Krieger Spartacus (Andy Whitfield) in römische Gefangenschaft. Als sich Spartacus weigert, mit seinen Männern für das Imperium Romanum in die Schlacht zu ziehen, scheint sein Schicksal besiegelt. Der Befehlshaber Gaius Claudius Glaber (Craig Parker) übergibt den Todgeweihten an den Gladiatorenmeister Quintus Lentulus Batiatus (John Hannah). In der Arena von Capua muss Spartacus erbitterte Kämpfe bestehen, um sich und seine versklavte Frau Sura (Erin Cummings) zu retten... - Das antike Heldenepos geht auf eine Idee von Filmproduzent und Drehbuchautor Steven S. DeKnight zurück (u.a. "Smallville").